¡Qué horror!: Scary spots to check out in UST for paranormal junkies

3 min readOct 31, 2017


[UPDATED — Nov. 1, 2:15 p.m.] While every school has a ghost story of its own, a 406-year-old university like UST is certainly fertile ground for more than one ghost story.

While new tales of horror crop up every year, similar tales across generations of Thomasians have proven that certain locations in the University are hotspots for paranormal encounters.

Planning for your next ghost hunt? Look no further than UST! TomasinoWeb has rounded up both familiar places and spots that you might have missed inside the University:

Women’s Restroom (St. Raymund de Peñafort Bldg., first floor)

St. Raymund’s Bldg. has its own fair share of spine-tingling stories but one of its most popular ones happen around the girls’ bathroom on the first floor. The sobs of a woman covered in blood are often heard by students, especially at night. Danielle Baranda, Faculty of Arts and Letters

Men’s Restroom (Main Bldg., first floor)

The slow hum of the exhaust fan, the eerie feeling of being watched, the rhythmic dropping of water from the faucet, and the uneasiness when one passes by the mirror have all sent a lot of chills running down the spine of every student as they enter the men’s restroom. — Jezreel Dave Colorge, Faculty of Pharmacy

Botanical Garden

During the day, it is an inviting escape from the heat and even solace, but as the night falls, the stillness of the pitch black surroundings and its murky atmosphere, adds to the eerie vibe of this particular place inside the University. With its thick flora, an unshakable feeling of being watched is often felt by anyone frequenting here. — Danielle Arcegono, Faculty of Arts and Letters

Villamor Drive

You are being watched — the eerie vibe emanating from the dark alleyway behind St. Martin de Porres Bldg. never fails to send shivers down the spine of anyone who dares walk down the path at night, especially in considering the fact that Villamor Drive runs just behind the infamous hallway of preserved organs inside St. Martin de Porres. — Cielo Erikah Mae Cinco, Faculty of Arts and Letters

Got other places in mind? Comment below or tweet us at @TomasinoWeb and share with us your own set of horror spots inside UST!

Photos by Darryl Lance Limpin, Mark Darius Sulit, Elizabeth Nicole Regudo, and Abbie Vinluan

Post-processing by Elizabeth Nicole Regudo and Genelaine Urbano

Editor’s note: Places included in the article were gathered from accounts and stories from students and does not intend to mock the places mentioned. TomasinoWeb humbly apologizes for individuals who were offended by the inclusion of the TYK Prayer Room in the article and it has since been removed from the article.




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