Finals week is dark and full of terrors — and here’s how to survive it

by Danielle Arcegono

2 min readDec 15, 2017
At one point, we were a stressed Samwell Tarly — maybe even now. Photo courtesy of HBO.

Finals week has finally arrived in UST, a.k.a. ’tis the season for an awful lot of stress, all-nighters, and mugs and mugs of coffee.

With exams, theses, reports, and plates charging from all directions, it’s even becoming harder to tell if the students roaming the campus are still students or if they have already turned into soulless White Walkers.

The finals week is dark and full of terrors, but if you want to survive it, here are some tips on how you can combat it head-on.

Prepare, prepare, prepare.

Lord Baelish once said: “Chaos isn’t a pit; chaos is a ladder” —and to avoid falling from that ladder, you have to armor up as you charge down the finals battlefield. Prepare all your notes, your pens and highlighters, and most importantly, prepare yourself in every possible aspect — physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Drink coffee — but not too much

Coffee is almost every student’s best friend, but if the tragedy of the Red Wedding ever taught us anything, drinking too much can be deadly, whether it be wine or coffee. Yes, sleepless nights pay off most of the time but continued sleep deprivation negatively affects the health. If you’re not a fan of coffee, tea and chocolate can help you stay up late.

Discover more effective studying techniques

Studying is not just printing PowerPoint slides or rereading your notes: Techniques such as highlighting, rewriting notes, using flashcards can prove effective. Don’t be like Jon Snow who knows nothing; try to discover the best techniques that work best for you.

Have a break in-between your study sessions

Twenty minutes is adequate; it’s plenty enough time to walk around or maybe do some stretching. Also, having breaks in between can prevent sleepiness, just don’t make the break long like a Game of Thrones’s season break.

And of course, pray

Whether it be to God — or to the old gods and the new — seeking help and guidance from forces above can help lessen the burden of stress pushing down; and of course, there is nothing wrong with asking for a little extra help.

Remember, the semester finale is approaching and there are only few days left to save your grades. The finals week may be dark and full of terrors, but you can survive (and defeat) the Long Night by putting on your extra, staying positive and hoping for the best — after all, Paskuhan is coming!




Written by TomasinoWeb

The Premier Digital Media Organization of the University of Santo Tomas

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